S4:E8 Meddling Minds

“I have a higher purpose. My life is not just to be here, have a job, for the normal boxes people tick. I have this faith that I’m here for a greater purpose.” Toyin Adon-Abel, Jr. Founder & Creative Director, Meddling Minds Agency This episode features Available on: Toyin Adon-Abel Jr. is a bona fide […]
S4:E7 Prepare to Launch

“All of us are trying to launch something. Whether it’s an idea, whether it’s a new team, whether it’s a project, whether it’s a business, there are launchers out there everywhere.” Shane Benson VP, Operator Support & Organizational Planning, & Chick-fil-A, Inc. and Co-founder of Launch Youniversity This episode features Available on: We’re all […]
S4:E6 Emerge

“I plan like an executive but have faith like a child.” ~ Fern Johnson Founder & CEO, Career Sisters Available on: Trying to advance your career as a women of color isn’t always easy. According to a recent study from McKinsey and LeanIn.org, women of color represent only 4% of C-Level positions, despite representing about 18% of […]
S4:E5 Off Script

“There is a lot of loss happening. There is human physical loss and suffering. We are losing our jobs. We are losing our businesses. In order to survive this, I want you to know, you are not your job.” ~ Shani Godwin CEO, Communiqué USA and Host of Joy Economics Available on: You are not […]
S4:E4 Creating Space

“Okay, no more business as usual. We need to figure out how we’re going to get out of this hole.” ~ Kelly Burton CEO, Founders of Color Available on: Kelly Burton is truly a visionary. As a self-described serial entrepreneur, she has successfully started and scaled several businesses and is now on a quest to […]
S4:E3 Perfect Your Pivot

“These are unique times. You’ve got to zig when other people zag.” Matt Hinton Creator and Owner Bell Street Burritos Available on: We know these are challenging times for many small businesses across America. According to a recent report from MetLife & the U.S. Chamber of Commerce, 71% of small businesses are concerned about financial hardships due […]
S4:E2 Taking a Stand (Part 2)

“So much of what we’re talking about can be easily misconstrued as we just need to talk about how we’ve pivoted our ability to make money. But what I see this as is an opportunity for me to pivot my ability to be a leader.” Liz Giorgi Founder and CEO soona and mighteor Available on: […]
S4:E1 Taking a Stand (Part 1)

“It is our responsibility to say what can I do fundamentally in my business, what can I fundamentally do for my community that will advance equality in a meaningful way that is sustainable and comes from a place of true alignment. “ Liz Giorgi Founder and CEO soona and mighteor Available on: Starting a business […]