S4:E1 Taking a Stand (Part 1)

“It is our responsibility to say what can I do fundamentally in my business, what can I fundamentally do for my community that will advance equality in a meaningful way that is sustainable and comes from a place of true alignment. “ Liz Giorgi Founder and CEO soona and mighteor Available on: Starting a business […]
S3:E6 The “M” Word

“Resilience, that is something that I think is THE most important thing any parent, anybody should look to develop is that—resilience and the ability to bounce back.” Amanda Hammett CEO Millennial Translator Available on: At some point in our lives we will each experience a turning point—that unforgettable point in time when something happens that […]
S3:E5 Blessings on Blessings – Part 2

“Businesses ebb and flow. Jobs are here today, gone tomorrow. But when it’s all said and done, love is the one universal constant.” Shani Godwin CEO, Communiqué USA, Inc. What’s your biggest lesson learned from 2019? On this episode of Joy Economics, Shani Godwin, CEO of Communiqué USA, Inc. along with fellow team members Kim […]
S3:E4 Blessings on Blessings

“Yes, sometimes it’s hard for us to let go, but when we do, and when that season is up with those individuals in your life, that’s when you start to walk in your destiny and your purpose.” Kim Brown Marketing Consultant Communiqué USA, Inc. The year 2019 has had its ups and its down, but […]
S3:E3 Running Your Own Race

“There is nothing to be gained within your comfort zone. You only grow and prosper when you face your fears or you get uncomfortable.” Kristen Sweet Employee Engagement Manager RaceTrac Available on: For many of us, when we’re young in our career we think we have things all figured out. We think we know […]
S3:E2 Lessons From the Joy Jar

“It goes back to work-life balance. When you have a job that’s that intense, you really really must have some level of life outside of work.” Terrez Thompson Vice President OF Global Supplier Diversity The Coca-Cola Company Available on: For this episode we’re heading to the Joy Jar. This is a tradition on Joy Economics where […]
S3:E1 The Art of Pivoting

“You gotta get clear and you gotta create space, and if you don’t create space, you can’t get clear.” Kelly Burton Chief Executive Officer Founders of Color Available on: We’ve all been there. Life hands you a bag full of lemons and somehow you’re suppose to turn it into lemonade. This episode is all about […]
S2:E16 Line Drive

“For me humility is not thinking of yourself less but thinking of others more.” ~ CJ Stewart CEO, Diamond Directors, Baseball Player Development & Executive Director, L.E.A.D (Launch, Expose, Advise, Direct) Available on: “Where you start does not have to dictate where you finish.” This powerful theme is at the heart of CJ Stewart’s life story. Stewart grew up […]