S4:E6 Emerge

“I plan like an executive but have faith like a child.” ~ Fern Johnson Founder & CEO, Career Sisters Available on: Trying to advance your career as a women of color isn’t always easy. According to a recent study from McKinsey and LeanIn.org, women of color represent only 4% of C-Level positions, despite representing about 18% of […]
S4:E5 Off Script

“There is a lot of loss happening. There is human physical loss and suffering. We are losing our jobs. We are losing our businesses. In order to survive this, I want you to know, you are not your job.” ~ Shani Godwin CEO, Communiqué USA and Host of Joy Economics Available on: You are not […]
S4:E4 Creating Space

“Okay, no more business as usual. We need to figure out how we’re going to get out of this hole.” ~ Kelly Burton CEO, Founders of Color Available on: Kelly Burton is truly a visionary. As a self-described serial entrepreneur, she has successfully started and scaled several businesses and is now on a quest to […]
S3:E6 The “M” Word

“Resilience, that is something that I think is THE most important thing any parent, anybody should look to develop is that—resilience and the ability to bounce back.” Amanda Hammett CEO Millennial Translator Available on: At some point in our lives we will each experience a turning point—that unforgettable point in time when something happens that […]
S2:E16 Line Drive

“For me humility is not thinking of yourself less but thinking of others more.” ~ CJ Stewart CEO, Diamond Directors, Baseball Player Development & Executive Director, L.E.A.D (Launch, Expose, Advise, Direct) Available on: “Where you start does not have to dictate where you finish.” This powerful theme is at the heart of CJ Stewart’s life story. Stewart grew up […]
S2:E15 5 by 20

“I would say women by their nature have always been at the center of growth and thinking. We just haven’t always gotten credit for it.” ~ Terrez Thompson Vice President, Global Supplier Diversity, The Coca-Cola Company Available on: Terrez Thompson is passionate about empowering women in business. As the Vice President of Supplier Diversity at […]
S2:E14 Solving for Y

“Being able to admit that you don’t know or you might need help automatically just puts you in a position to receive things that you would have been shut off to otherwise. So I think the openness that comes with humility is really important.” ~ Meghan Lynch President and CEO, Six-Point Creative Available on: Humility […]
S2:E13 Gen X-Ceptional

“We can change that embarrassing title Generation X into a more positive title like Generation X-Cel, Generation X-Ceptional, Generation X-Uberant, Generation X-Travagant, Generation X-Traordinary.” Adrion Porter Founder and Host of Gen X Amplified Available on: In this episode, we chat with Generation Xer, Adrion Porter, who is a marketing veteran with over twenty years of […]